[2 PKTS] STH Fish Maw 100gm 清水花胶 100gm

Sku: MFM1001-S-1

花胶是与鲍鱼、燕窝、海参齐名的珍贵食品,是”鲍参翅肚“ 其中之一。从中医的角度,花胶具有滋补食疗的作用。花胶含有的营养价值非常高,女士视为养颜珍品,男士视为补身珍品,无论是男女老少都适合食用。花胶适合经常食用,因为它是一个补而不燥的佳品。

Fish maw is a precious food that is as famous as abalone, bird’s nest and sea cucumber, and it is one of precious dried seafood. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, fish maw has the function of nourishing. The nutritional value of fish maw is very high. It is regarded as a beauty treasure for women and a supplement for men. It is suitable for both men, women and children. Fish Maw is suitable for regular consumption, because it is a good product to replenish body.


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花胶是与鲍鱼、燕窝、海参齐名的珍贵食品,是”鲍参翅肚“ 其中之一。从中医的角度,花胶具有滋补食疗的作用。花胶含有的营养价值非常高,女士视为养颜珍品,男士视为补身珍品,无论是男女老少都适合食用。花胶适合经常食用,因为它是一个补而不燥的佳品。




  1. 恢复体力



  1. 美容养颜



  1. 增强免疫力



  1. 预防骨骼退化






食谱1: 花胶焖冬菇

材料: 花胶、冬菇(8颗)、生粉、干蒜蓉、冰糖(10克)、麻油(少许)、蚝油(2茶匙)、酱油(2茶匙)


  1. 将浸发好的花胶用刀直向切半备用。
  2. 冬菇去蒂,用少许生粉摩擦表面。放置一小会儿,用水冲洗干净。抹干水份备用。将浸冬菇的水留着,并加水至大约1.5杯。
  3. 用厚底深锅用中火爆香蒜蓉。倒入浸冬菇的水和少许冰糖加盖煮滚后,转中小火,焖到冬菇软身,大约用到30-45分钟。
  4. 将麻油、蚝油、酱油放进一个空碗,搅拌均匀,放着备用。
  5. 加入花胶继续煮15分钟。倒入刚调好的酱汁,煮至喜欢的浓稠度,就可以趁热享用了!


食谱二: 冬虫花胶炖鸡



  1. 浸发好的花胶和鸡放入滚水中拖一拖沥干。
  2. 冬虫草洗净、与花胶、鸡、火腿、水放入炖盅内,加盖慢火炖约两个小时,即可享用!






  1. 花胶加水放入炖盅煲三个小时后,放入银耳,再煲大约1个小时。
  1. 放入红枣,等待大约20分钟左右后放入冰糖。
  2. 冰糖完全融化后,就可以享用啦!



材料: 花胶、香菇、高丽菜、白米、糙米、红藜麦、红萝卜


  1. 提前泡发好花胶。香菇和糙米也先前一晚泡水。
  2. 将花胶剪成小块。香菇切片,红萝卜和高丽菜切丝,鸡胸肉切小片。
  3. 将所有材料放入锅内,加入水,水量盖过所有食材即可。
  4. 煮滚后,打开盖子以中小火再煮5分钟。熄火焖十分钟,就完成啦!



  1. 浸泡:将花胶放入确保干净的容器里,倒入水,浸泡24小时。
  2. 水蒸:把花胶放入炖盅内隔水蒸15分钟,洗净即可待用。




Fish maw is a precious food that is as famous as abalone, bird’s nest and sea cucumber, and it is one of precious dried seafood. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, fish maw has the function of nourishing. The nutritional value of fish maw is very high. It is regarded as a beauty treasure for women and a supplement for men. It is suitable for both men, women and children. Fish Maw is suitable for regular consumption, because it is a good product to replenish body.

The main components of fish maw are high-grade collagen, various vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron and other trace elements. The protein content of fish maw is as high as 84.2%, but the fat is only 0.2%. It is an ideal high-protein and low-fat food.


Benefits of Fish Maw

  • Physical recovery

Fish maw is extremely high in protein and low in fat, making it a great supplement to your stamina. People who just after surgery, after giving birth or the elderly need to eat fish maw more often. Because fish maw has the ability to help wounds heal.


  • Beauty care

Collagen is absolutely essential to maintain smooth skin. There is a lot of collagen in fish maw, and regular consumption of fish maw helps replenish the lost/missing collagen in human skin. It can supplement the nutrients needed by human skin and relieve the problems of sagging, wrinkles and dryness caused by skin aging.


  • Boost immunity

In addition to protein, fish maw is also rich in amino acids, which can promote and enhance the body’s synthesis of immunoglobulins. It can help the body to enhance physical strength and immunity, and fight against the invasion of bacteria and viruses.


  • Prevent bone degeneration

Fish Maw can nourish bones and improve joint pain or soft soreness of waist and knee caused by kidney deficiency, etc.


How to choose a good maw?

Color is very important, be sure to choose transparent color, no black blood marks. In addition, it is best to choose a thicker body, so as to ensure that the body after the hair is large.


Recipe 1: Braised Mushrooms with Fish Maw

Ingredients: Fish Maw, Mushrooms (8 pcs), Corn Flour, Dried Garlic, Rock Sugar (10g), Sesame Oil (a little), Oyster Sauce (2 tsp), Soy Sauce (2 tsp)


  1. Cut the soaked maw straight in half with a knife.
  2. Remove the stems of the mushrooms and rub the surface with a little cornstarch. Let it sit for a while and rinse off with water.
  3. Wipe dry and reserve. Reserve the water in which the mushrooms were soaked and add water to about 1.5 cups.
  4. Sauté the minced garlic in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Pour in the water for soaking the mushrooms and a little rock sugar, cover and bring to a boil, turn to medium-low heat, and simmer until the mushrooms are soft, about 30-45 minutes.
  5. Put sesame oil, oyster sauce, and soy sauce in an empty bowl, stir well, and set aside.
  6. Add the maw and continue to cook for 15 minutes. Pour in the freshly prepared sauce, cook until the consistency you like, and serve hot!



Recipe 2: Braised Chicken with Cordyceps Fish Maw

Ingredients: Fish Maw, Cordyceps, Chicken, Ham


  1. Put the soaked fish maw and chicken into boiling water and drag them to drain.
  2. Wash Cordyceps sinensis, add fish maw, chicken, ham, and water into a stew pot, cover and simmer for about two hours, then enjoy!


Recipe 3: Fish Maw Tremella and Red Dates Syrup

Ingredients: Fish Maw, Tremella, Red Date, Rock Sugar


  1. Soak fish maw and white fungus in advance; wash red dates.
  2. Add the fish maw and water to the stew pot and cook for three hours, add the white fungus, and cook for about 1 hour.
  3. Add red dates, wait for about 20 minutes, and then add rock sugar.
  4. Once the rock sugar is completely melted, enjoy!

Recipe 4: Mushroom Fish Maw Chicken Porridge

Ingredients: Fish Maw, Shiitake Mushroom, Cabbage, White Rice, Brown Rice, Red Quinoa, Carrot


  1. Soak the gelatin in advance. Mushrooms and brown rice were also soaked in water the night before.
  2. Cut the maw into small pieces. Slice mushrooms, shred carrots and cabbage, and cut chicken breast into small pieces.
  3. Put all the ingredients in a pot, add water, and the water should cover all the ingredients.
  4. When it comes to a boil, open the lid and cook over medium-low heat for another 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer for ten minutes, and you’re done!


Fish Maw Soaking method:

Soaking: Put the fish maw in a clean container, pour in water, and soak for 24 hours.
Steaming: Put the fish maw in the stewing pot and steam for 15 minutes, rinse and set aside.

*If not eaten/cooked immediately, it needs to be stored in the refrigerator to keep fresh

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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