1 Tael Purple Dendrobium (S) 紫皮石斛 (S)

Sku: VDB0006

FREE 1 Tael Purple Dendrobium 送1两紫皮石斛 (worth 价值 RM168.80)


10 in stock



Top 10 main health benefits are as follows:

1) Nourishing Yin and body fluid. The “China Pharmaceutical Dictionary” claims that it is specialized at nourishing qi and fluid in lung and stomach. Hence, it treats a variety of diseases caused by deficiency of yin and body fluid;

2) Enhancing physical fitness. It can tonify kidney essence, nourish the stomach Yin, and increase strength. And it is rich in polysaccharides that enhance immune function and strengthen body.

3) Replenishing spleen and stomach. It is a commonly used drug for stomach ache and epigastric pain.

4) Protecting liver and gallbladder.

5) Strengthening tendons and lowering lipid. The secretion of Yin fluid and function of bone and muscle would begin to gradually decrease during the middle ages. Since it can nourish Yin fluid and lubricate joints, it helps to strengthen tendons and bones, relieve joint pain, and reduce rheumatism.

6) Improve stress ability, prevent or stop fatigue, increase hypoxia tolerance, promote circulation, dilate blood vessels, and lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides;

7) Lowing blood sugar. Clinical studies have shown that it cannot only enhance activity of insulin, but also significantly reduce and change blood sugar levels back to normal;

8) Improving eyesight and prevention and treatment of senile cataract.

9) Nourishing the skin. Dendrobium can moisturize and provide nutrition to the skin;

10) Help in anti-aging. It has more comprehensive anti-aging effect compared to other herbs


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